Saturday 19 April 2014

.....and thus "Furniture Library" was born!

How often have you seen hobbies getting turned into actual professions? Scarcely. Well surveys say that it happens and we cannot deny this. If you observe the figures closely, you could cite a number of examples.And yes stats apart, today we have a dynamic example right before us! Viraj Mahajan- the founder of Furniture Library.
The idea dates back to mid ninetees. Viraj was a fresh B.COM graduate then with not even the slightest stint of interior design or product design. His parents were facing problems of sourcing furniture as the manufacturer/dealer suddenly moved out of the town. Both the parents were design savvy since the beginning and this was very well reflected in their interiors. Every furniture piece brought into the home was latest and extraordinary. 
Since the sourcing problem cropped up out of the blue, Viraj took the first move and started analyzing various design elements. Playing with tiny furniture parts and fixing them up became a part of his hobby. This led to quite a number of unique designs which were created accidentally as offshoots. At that time he had no idea that this playful experiment would someday make him an entrepreneur.
The idea struck him in 1997 and the hobby was converted into a business- phenomenally big. And this followed the birth of"Furniture Library". Recently, Viraj Mahajan shares everything in a chatty conversation with our team who went all the way to Gurgaon to cover his story. The link-

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