Wednesday 12 March 2014

Mystery behind 'Prost'- Bangalore based Beer Brewery

If you happen to stay in Bangalore or even in the vicinity, do check out this cryptic beer brewery! Well, if I say cryptic, I am not referring to unusual ghostly powers hiding in there.It's the entire architecture and layout of the space that evokes enigma.

Dark, Dingy and Rustic Decor was intentional.

The distortion that's apparent in the picture was purposefully done to create a mood- which the Architect Aamir Sharma has been dreaming of since a while- He delved down into the history of Europe and researched on how people brewed beers about 2000 yrs ago. He wanted his brewery to reflect the history of beer brewing- including all the dedication put in by the brewers in those factories and thus, a similar ambiance was required- and yes, of course it had to be 'out-of-the-box', i.e., never done or thought before. And his conceptualization materialized the way he wanted.

The factory-like walls 

They pulled down a large ship and worked out the interiors- The ship was dismantled and the layout was chalked out accordingly. Aamir wanted the brewery tanks and pipes to show up as they were exposed in an old beer factory. When the basic layout was ready, they brought in the seating stools and installed the lighting fixtures- Brewery tanks were also lit up eventually.

The reception near the Entrance 

Now, talking about the ambiance, the place gives a very authentic feel! All you can do is sit and relax and keep on gulping down as many beers as you wish!

Feel the magic 

Also, the ruined surroundings give a feeling of the history- as if you are tossed back to 1st century AD and are drinking with the good old German winos!

Prost! Enjoy your beer! SEE MORE PICTURES HERE 

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