Tuesday 25 February 2014

A home that evokes poetry...

A poet has described this home as "A home that evokes poetry". A home where the modern, contemporary and ethnic elements coexist, a home that reflects art and passion, a home where the display of luxury isn't ostentatious, is really a home that would directly or indirectly, arouse the poetic instincts of any individual.

You might be wondering what am I on about today. Well, let's cut it to the chase. Today's post is about a decor story of a Delhi based home, designed using the combined efforts of the whole family. 

Let's check out some photos. 

A small crystal chandelier dangles down the ceiling 

Living room exhibiting a royal air. Gold is the color of luxury! 

                                                                A dream home bar 

I shouldn't be writing enough. Every picture tells it's story and if you are ardent enough to take a sneak peek, check out the complete story here. THE STORY OF MY HOME 

You can also submit your own home story at editor@zingyhomes.com 

Countryside runaround

How grateful would you feel if you wake up every morning to the warm sun rays with cool breeze gushing in through your French Windows and you could actually smell the spring again?

Winter is over. Finally it's time for you to visit your countryside and bask in the lap of nature! How about an adventure camp?

Here are two stills of an adventure camp designed by Nilanjan Bhowal. Check out more photos at ZingyHomes.

View of the Camp 

The Arrival Lounge 

Sunday 23 February 2014

my love for ornate paper lamps!

My never ending search for home accessories dragged me to this exquisite store Anantaya with exotic paper lamps. These lamps were designed using crafty skills of the artisan.Serene and exotic, these artistic lamps seemed to have transported me to another period of time! Well, I must confess- I ended up buying two similar lamps for the hallway.


                                                                      Paper Lamps  


  Bamboo Lamps 

The store is not just confined to the lamps. There is a plethora of table accents and wall accents that I had rarely witnessed before.Where would I find something out-of-the-box and affordable enough for my living room? Click to read more about the store- ANANTAYA

Mardi Grass Dining

The royal dining season has arrived. Mardi Grass Carnival Festival is almost incomplete with this impeccable Dining table and  this handy dining cabinet. Where and how to order the furniture ensemble? Know more. Visit Aarti Aggarwal- House Of Design.

The Dining Table 
The Dining Cabinet 

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Exotic Terrace Garden with a pool!

The best thing about Googling is-You never fall short of ideas. Do you know what I bumped into lately? This exotic terrace garden with a pool. I wonder why people don't give a damn about terrace decor. Well, this idea didn't strike my mind out of nowhere.

I am really fond of garden since my childhood days. Back then,we had this huge landscape area in my old home lying across the countryside. But here in the city, I could hardly see a lawn/garden space down my window.All I see is a crowded street with vehicles storming in and out. 

Then I stumbled upon this picture on ZingyHomes. Click this link to view more photos by this architect named Nilanjan Bhowal. And since I have a huge terrace above, I am planning on saving this idea in my "TO-DO" list.

Monday 17 February 2014

As Psychedelic as her canvas- an artist's home it is!

Ensconced within the rather busy and chaotic world of west Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi, is another world: the home of artist Sunayana Malhotra. This world is reflective of what interests the renowned artist and each room is a story unto itself. Travel with us as we take you through a breathtaking home-story of Ms. Sunayana Malhotra. Read the complete story and view more photos here.

My Ethnic Living Room will be missed!

Ever since the decor trend has changed its course, good old things seem to have lost their importance. No doubts, minimalism is the talk of the town, yet often I wonder where does that feel good feeling comes from if there is nothing to see and feel?

As far as my thoughts are concerned, minimalist decor takes me to a level where I find myself detached from the world, from the humanity, from the loved ones and even from the life. Scan your eyes across a minimal home. What do you observe? Impeccable leather furniture lying dead along the wall and a low sunk coffee table trying hard to speak for its existence.And the worse- dull monotonous walls staring blankly at you as if in a moment they would just announce- "Hey there, WELCOME TO HELL"

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I could see the faded colors, becoming more apparent with the passage of every moment, and finally what I saw was my old living room setting. A livid red couch tucked at the back, resting near the huge glass windows which were adorned with tall kaleidoscopic curtains billowing with every gush of the wind. Then there were cushions- indigo, yellow, fuchsia and cyan each embroidered with an array of tiny mirrors.I could see the vase on the coffee table with white and fuchsia flowers and then I was frenzied by the paintings around- The Tanjores- their golden color had kept the room mesmerized and livid. The floor was dressed with a fancy rug which was bought from Morocco last year and the ceiling was adorned with my favorite chandelier with red and yellow bulbs which were exclusively customized on my order. There were planters and vases- plenty of them. Every corner was occupied.Everything was rich, lively and colorful! I could sit there for hours and think of a new DIY to fill up my space with something bold and classy.

    Source: decor4all.com

The thoughts danced for a while and were soon faded and I was forced to open my eyes.Everything was gone. And I felt like a stranger in my own house! 

Well, this was a sad renovation that shouldn't have happened . Only if I knew how much my old living room will be missed! Hence, instead of following the modern crowd, it's better to ask yourself whether you love it. I soon realized my mistake. 

No offence to Minimalist Decor Style. It all depends on taste and temperament.

Here are some decor styles you would like to follow. 

Sunday 16 February 2014

Interior Design Awards India- Finally an honour!

The interior design awards India space is all set to witness a revolution like never before, what with one of the biggest media companies, NDTV, launching the DA Awards. The awards will honor genius in the interior design awards India space, across 18 categories and will see ZingyHomes as its online partner.  While there have been previous honors in this area, none has been this exhaustive and dedicated solely to recognizing the creative imagination. 

Architecture Awards in India - March 2014

Indian architecture is reflective of the amalgamation of different cultures over varying periods of time – and how they have come to influence each other. Art and architecture in India have always been revered topics of discussion in the everyday lives of its people and aptly so. India has been a proud and rather accommodating home to design and architecture visions from either end of the art spectrum – fact that is reflected in the buildings and homes lining its streets.

Recognizing this, India’s leading media house, NDTV has decided to reward not the modern-day wizards behind the success stories in today’s architecture – through its Design and Architecture Awards, that witnesses some of the biggest names in the business coming together.

The DA Awards have been conceptualized on the same ideology as the previous NDTV awards- recognizing the maverick in achievers. Launched after the successful completion of their Property Show, the DA Awards have already seen wunderkinds registering with breathtaking examples of architectural vision. The architecture awards are being held in partnership with the German group Grohe and are powered by Autodesk. NDTV has also tied-up with ZingyHomes, as its online partner for the awards.

Other awards in the same space previously honored brilliant examples of architecture under various categories, covering all aspects of design, including hospitality, commercial structures, landscapes, lifetime achievements, etc. Architecture Awards in India are always highly anticipated, as they help provide the perfect platform for both the established and newer players to come forth and exhibit their work and even compete on the same criteria. These awards provide the ideal opportunity for budding and upcoming architects to showcase and spread word about their work and tell the world what it is that sets them apart from their predecessors. To avoid conflict of opinion and to arrive at a fair verdict, the winners are decided by a panel of the jury, that consists of established names in the art and architecture world. And before you start wondering, yes, the sustainability aspect, too, plays an important and indispensable basis for deciding the winner.

For more details on the awards and nomination process, please visit ZingyHomes