Wednesday 19 February 2014

Exotic Terrace Garden with a pool!

The best thing about Googling is-You never fall short of ideas. Do you know what I bumped into lately? This exotic terrace garden with a pool. I wonder why people don't give a damn about terrace decor. Well, this idea didn't strike my mind out of nowhere.

I am really fond of garden since my childhood days. Back then,we had this huge landscape area in my old home lying across the countryside. But here in the city, I could hardly see a lawn/garden space down my window.All I see is a crowded street with vehicles storming in and out. 

Then I stumbled upon this picture on ZingyHomes. Click this link to view more photos by this architect named Nilanjan Bhowal. And since I have a huge terrace above, I am planning on saving this idea in my "TO-DO" list.

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